Social Media Etiquette


Communication is always key, especially online. Being able to get thoughts out correctly, with the right tone, knowledge and safety is important. Learn the issues that can arise with "trolls", how to have civil discussions, and acknowlodge one's own behavior and how to impove upon that.

Let's Learn More Communication Tips!


The internet is a vast place, but that does not mean a person's actions do not have consequences. Many consequences could result from poor choices made on social media or the internet. These consequences could be losing a job, getting an admission revoked or missing opportunities due to poor decisions.

Let's Learn More About Consequences!

Positive Internet Access

In this section, there is information about how to stay safe on the internet, advice for users to protect their information, and how to have an overall positive experience online.

Let's Learn About Positive Internet Access!

What Is Inappropriate Content?

Learn what is considered inappropriate content, how to avoid inappropriate content and how to deal with inappropriate content.

Let's Learn What To Avoid!

What You Post

“What you post” online activity such as posting stories, images, videos, or even tweeting can be very dangerous. The social media platform is a lot more trouble containing a variety of issues. A person can deal with emotional and mental problems for instance anxiety, depression, stress, loneliness, and low self-esteem states ‘The Dangers of Social Media and How to Avoid Them’ article. Social media includes physical problems for example reduced sleep quality and many more.

Let's Learn What To Post!
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Your Responsibility

Everything comes with responsibility. Whether that is knowing when to report something, when to speak up, become educated or staying up-to-date with the internet as it vastly changes through time.

Let's Learn More About Your Responsibility!